
来源:天津家教网 日期:2019/11/25

第Ⅰ卷 (三部分,共115分) 
请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟时回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 
1. Where does this conversation probably take place? 
  A. In an office.          B. In a street            C. In a shop 
2. Where is the man going to meet his friend? 
   A. In a office           B. At the airport         C. At a bus stop 
3. What does the woman want to buy? 
   A. A cup                 B. A cat                  C. A cup 
4. What does the mean? 
   A. He doesn't want t post this card for her

B.He is willing to mail this card for her 
   C. He hesitates(犹豫) to do it. 
5. What does the man mean? 
   A. He didn't see the beginning of the film.

B. His house is far away from the theatre. 
  C. The film began ahead of time. 
请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每个小题5秒钟;听完后,每个小题将 给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 
6. What's Bob's mother doing? 
   A. She is buying a present for her son.

B. She is looking at some birthday cakes. 
   C. She is buying herself a bicycle. 
7. How soon is Bob's birthday? 
   A. In a week.        B. Two weeks away.        C. In less than ten days. 
8. What size bicycle will she buy? 
   A. Size 24.          B. Size 26.               C. Size 28. 
9. Why does Henry borrow a book about the earth? 
   A. He will give a talk about the earth.

B. He is interested in it. 
   C. He borrows it for his friend. 
10. How many books can Henry borrow at a time? 
   A. One.              B. Two.                    C. Three. 
11. What kind of books is Henry interested in? 
   A. Science books.    B. Sports books.           C. History books. 
12. Where does this dialogue happen? 
   A. At home.             B. At school.            C. In the open air. 
13. What does Jack like to eat? 
   A. A chicken sandwich.  B. A tomato sandwich.    C. A potato sandwich. 
14. Who is coming tomorrow? 
   A. Mary's aunt.         B. Mary's uncle.         C. Tom's aunt. 
15. What are they going to do on Saturday? 
   A. To have a picnic.    B. To see a film.        C. To swim in the river. 
16. What's the date this Saturday? 
   A. June 9.              B. June 29               C. January 29. 

17. How long did it take the speaker to do his homework? 
   A. Half an hour.        B. Three hours or more.  C. Only one hour. 
18. Why did the speaker have a very good summer holiday? 
   A. Because he worked very hard and made good progress. 
   B. Because he learned to swim and did his work well. 
   C. Because he got up early and went home late. 
19. Which of the following is NOT true? 
   A. The speaker made progress in his lessons. 
   B. The speaker took a walk for half an hour before breakfast. 
   C. The speaker began studying as soon as he got up. 
20. What does the text mainly tell us? 
   A. How the writer spent his summer holidays. 
   B. What the weather was like in that summer. 
   C. When the writer got up in the morning.
21.Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare-you must learn to _____. 
   A. support       B. care         C. spare        D. share 
22. ______! There is a dog in the yard; it might hurt you. 
   A. Look up       B. Watch out        C. Look around          D. be care 
23. -Betty, welcome to my birthday party. Please make yourself at home.- _______. 
   A. The same to you   B. No, not really   C. Thank you     D. Here you are 
24. After that we never saw her again, nor _____from her. 
   A. did we hear       B. we heard      C. had we heard        D. we have heard 
25. People here all knew him, so we _____no difficulty _____his house. 
   A. have, find       B. had, find     C. had, finding       D. have, to find 
26. -Is this raincoat yours? 
   -No, mine ______there behind the door. 
   A. is hanging        B. has hung     C. hangs              D. hung 
27. Dave is _____ that we all like to play with him. 
   A. so smart boy   B. a such smart boy  C. such a smart boy   D. a so smart boy 
28. This baby seldom cries ____ he is hungry. 
   A. if         B. because      C. until        D. unless 
29. He didn't seem to find it ____hard to do these exams, because he had ____prepared for them. 
    A. especially, specially

B. specially, specially 
C. very, particularly

D. too, unusually 
30. The man in black was about to set fire to the house ___the police came. 
   A. while      B. after       C. before        D. when 
31. It was ______he broke the law that he was sentenced(判处) to death. 
   A. that       B. as          C. because       D. for 
32. The teacher asked Jim _____. 
   A. why was he late for school

B. why he was late for school 
   C. how was he late for school

D. how he was late to school 
33. -Why didn't Ann see me wave(挥手) to her? 
   -She ____ in the other direction. 
   A. looked      B. was looking      C. has looked        D. is looking 
34. ____the terrible night, a large number of houses _____destroyed as a result of 
the storm(暴风雨). 
   A. At, were           B. On, was        C. On, were        D. At, was 
35. ____other good students, the teacher thinks. Hank is _____ student.

A. Compared with, a most satisfied

B. Compared to, the most satisfied 
  C. Compared to, the more satisfying

D. Compared with, a more satisfying 
  Capital letters in e-mails 
  Imagine you receive an e-mail that looks something like this: ARE YOU GOING TO CLASS TODAY? How does _1_ is message make you feel? Why did the sender use _2_ capital (大写) letters? Was he or she angry, _3_did that person just _4_ to turn off the Caps Lock(大写锁定) on the computer. This e-mail "sounds" like the _5_ is shouting because using all capital letters in an email is _6_ the way that people shout online. 
  Knowing when and when not to _7_ capital letters is just one _8_ of online etiquette(礼仪). 
  Don't do anything online that you wouldn't do in real life/\. Don't use information that _9_ has written, and _10_ it's yours. Do share your knowledge of the Internet with others. 
36. A. reading         B. typing        C. watching        D. leaving 
37. A. some            B. all           C. any             D. none 
38. A. but             B. or            C. and             D. so 
39. A. start           B. begin         C. forget          D. remember 
40. A. writer         B. worker          C. nurse             D. student 
41. A. hardly         B. carefully       C. silently          D. usually 
42. A. copy           B. believe         C. double            D. use 
43. A. mistake        B. advice          C. example           D. game 
44. A. some else people B. someone else  C. else someone      D. anyone else 
45. A. speak          B. tell            C. talk              D. say 
  An hour or twenty minutes? 
  Mr. Smith was businessman. He was so _1_ that he became very famous. One day he was asked to give a _2_ speech in another city. He was too _ 3_ to write it himself, so he asked his secretary _4_ one together for him out of a large book of speeches that she had on her desk. She typed one out for him, and he _5_ just in time to rush off to his plane. But when he gave his speech, it ran on for _6_, and the audience was getting very _7_ of it by the end. 
  When Mr. Smith got back to his office, he _8_ to his secretary about this, "I told you it should be twenty-minute speech! But you made it last an hour." he said to her bitterly. 
  "That's _9_ I gave you." she answered, " the original(原稿) and two copies. The original for you to _10_ at the meeting, and two copies for the files(存档), after you have checked them." 
  46. A. strong        B. successful     C. kind            D. busy 
  47. A. twenty-minute B. twenty minute  C. twenty-minutes  D. twenty minute 
  48. A. happy         B. angry          C. busy            D. worried 
  49. A. putting       B. put            C. puts            D. to put 
  50. A. picked up it  B. picked it up   C. recited it      D. finished it 
  51. A. twenty minutes B. forty minutes C. an hour         D. eighty minutes 
  52. A. sorry         B. tired          C. satisfied       D. pleased 
  53. A. explained B. smiled C. laughed D. complained 
  54. A. that          B. how            C. how many        D. what 
  55. A. read          B. write          C. enjoy           D. show 
  第三部分 : 阅读理解 (共20题;每小题2分,共40分) 
  An Englishman was showing a foreign visitor round London. "What's that strange building?" asked the visitor. "That's the Tower of London." "I see. How long did it take to build it?" "About 500 years." "In my country we could build it 5 months," said the visitor. Shortly after that, they came to St. Paul's Cathedral. "Very interesting !" said the visitor. "How long did it take to build it ?" "Nearly 40 years." said the Englishman. "In my country, we could have it done in 40 days at most," said the visitor. This went on all day. They visited most of the best known building in the capital. Every time they saw a new one, the visitor asked what it was and how long it'd taken to build it. Then he said that it could have been done much faster in his country. Finally the Englishman got angry with tourist, though he managed not to show it. At last they came to the House of Parliament (国会大厦) and the visitor asked his usual question, "What's it ?" The Englishman answered , "I've no idea. It wasn't there last night." 
  56. The Englishman was showing a foreign visitor ____. 
  A. The Tower of London                     B. St. Paul's Cathedral 
  C. famous building in the capital          D. the house of London 
  57. The tourist said that in his country it would have taken them ____ to build the Tower of London. 
  A. less than half a year                B. fifty days 
  C. five hundred years                   D. forty days 
  58. It took them the whole day to see ____. 
  A. some of the best known buildings     B. several best known places 
  C. many famous parks in the capital     D. most of the famous buildings in London 
  59. The Englishman was very angry by the end of the day, _______. 
  A. but he tried to hide it              B. but he managed to show it 
  C. but he tried not to hide it          D. but he managed not to show it 
  60. The Englishman's answer to the question of the last place was ______. 
  A. the House of Parliament               B. I don't know it's name

C. I don't know it's name                D. that he didn't know its name 
  American Space Agency officials say the new space shuttle(航天飞机) Columbia will be ready for its next flight in only sixty days. The Columbia landed on Saturday in California after a successful five-day flight. Space officials said preparations for the next flight must be done quickly because of the two-month delay(推迟) before the shuttle's first flight. Engine problems caused the delay of the space flight. But officials say Columbia worked very well during last week's flight. 
  61. This passage is _______. 
  A. a report made by the American officials          B. a piece of news 
  C. an article(文章) about space science             D. a short story 
  62. ________ caused the delay of the Columbia's first flight. 
  A. The bad weather            B. That something was wrong with the shuttle 
  C. Some officials             D. That the Space Agency had changed the plan 
  63. Which of the following statements is NOT true? 
  A. The Columbia's first flight was a success.

B. The Columbia's first flight was delayed. 
  C. The Columbia stayed in space for five days. 
  D. The Columbia will stop its flight because of engine problems. 
  64. The Columbia must have been launched (发射)________. 
  A. last Saturday     B. two months ago     C. on Monday     D. on Wednesday 
  65. An "engine" must be _________. 
  A. a person who is in charge of the flight 
  B. a kind of machine that gives power or makes things move 
  C. a place where the shuttle lands 
  D. something that is carried by the shuttle 
  Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal in Agra, India in the 1600s. He wanted to make a beautiful place where he could bury(埋葬) his wife. 
  Mumtaz Mahal was not the only one of Shah Jahan's wives, but he liked her the most. He built the Taj Mahal for her after she died. 
  The Taj Mahal is one of the most famous things to see in India. It is a beautiful place. The Jumna River runs beside the north wall of the Taj Mahal. Also, a garden grows inside the Taj Mahal. This garden has a small river running through it. 
  Shah Jahan buried Mumtaz Mahal inside the Taj Mahal in a building which was made of white marble(大理石). This building has a big white round roof. 
  It took 22 years to complete all of the work on the Taj Mahal. After it was completed, Shah Jahan killed the man who made the Taj Mahal. Shah Jahan did not want him to ever build a building more beautiful than the Taj Mahal. Shah Jadan also cut off the hands of all the artists who took part in building the Taj Mahal. When people who study history hear of this, they are not surprised. From studying history, it is possible to find out that Shah Jahan was sometimes known to be a cruel man. 
  As for Shah Jahan, he was also buried in the Taj Mahal next to his wife after he died. 
  66. Why did Shah Jahan want to build the Taj Mahal? 
  A. He needed a new place to live.        B. He wanted to bury his wife there. 
  C. He liked beautiful gardens.          D. He wanted t bury himself there. 
  67. Who was Mumtaz Mahal? 
  A. Shah Jadan's wife                    B. The man who made the Taj Mahal 
  C. An artist                            D. A person who studied history 
  68. What can you see when you visit the Taj Mahal? 
  A. The Jumna River               B. The place where Mumtaz Mahal is buried. 
  C. A beautiful garden            D. All of the above 
  69. Why did Shah Jadan kill the man who made the Taj Mahal? 
  A. Shah Jahan didn't like the Taj Mahal. 
  B. Shah Jahan did not want him to make another building. 
  C. The man made a mistake. 
  D. The man did not finish the building. 
  70. What did Shah Jahan do that made some people think he was a cruel man? 
  A. He buried his wife. 
  B. He cut off the hands of many artists. 
  C. He built the tomb, the Taj Mahal for his wife before she died. 
  D. He had himself buried next to his wife. 
  Mr. Brown was going away for a week. Before he left, he said to his son, "If anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out to do something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea." 
   "Ok, Dad." said his son. But he was afraid his son couldn't remember this, he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. His son put it into his small pocket, took it out and looked at it every now and then(时时,偶尔). 
  Four days passed, but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that there was no man to come and that the piece of paper was of no more use for him, so he burnt it that evening.The next afternoon, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said, "Where is your father?" The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. He could not find it. He suddenly remembered he had burnt it, so he shouted, "No more." 
  The man was very surprised. He asked, "No more! I met your father last week. When did this happen?" 
  71. Mr. Brown told his son that ______. 
  A. he would be away from home for four days   B. he would be back in seven days 
  C. he would be back in a month              D. he liked a cup of tea 
  72. Mr. Brown wrote the words down on ______. 
  A. the wall      B. the door       C. a piece of paper    D. his son's pocket 
  73. A man came to visit the boy's father on _______. 
  A. the second day   B. the third day   C. the fourth day   D. the fifth day 
  74. The man was very surprised because __________. 
  A. he thought the child's father was dead

B. the child didn't ask him to sit down 
  C. the child gave him a cup of tea

D. he couldn't find that piece of paper 
  75. What was burnt? 
  A. The piece of paper       B. Mr. Smith      C. The visitor      D. The boy 
  A great jazz piano player is a ...CANADIN! 
  There are many Canadian musicians who have made important contributions to the music of the world. Oscar Peterson is a pianist from Montreal who is one of the "jazz giants" of the world. He has made over 150recordings and CDs and has played with the greatest jazz musicians in history. Although he is quite old now, he still goes on tour with his trio(钢琴三重奏). 
  A brave medical researcher is a ...CANADIAN! 
  Dr Nancy Olivieri, a children's doctor from Toronto, has become famous for refusing to accept a drug that she was working on. A big drug company had paid her to do the research, and when she found that the drug was dangerous to children, she insisted on making a public report. The drug company and the hospital where she worked said they would make her pay for being honest and make her lose her job. She refused to change her report, and is now a hero to honest medical scientists. 
  The best hockey player in the world is a ...CANADIAN! 
  Everyone who is interested in ice hockey has heard of the Canadian star Wayne Gretsky, "The Great one." People say he is the greatest hockey player who ever lived, and he is most admired for the fact that he was a real team player. He believed that working with the team to score goals was more important than being the star. In spite of this, he was the star player and scored a record number of goals. 
  The information about the three outstanding Canadians Character Hometown/called Job What he/she did Oscar Peterson 76._________ 77._______ He has made over 150

78.______and has played with the greatest jazz musicians in history. Dr Nancy 
Olivieri 79.__________ 80._______ She found that the drug 81._______ children; She insisted on making a public report; She refused to 82.___________. Wayne Gretsky 83.___________ 84._______ He 85.________a record number of goals.   

  1.2005年5月10日,天气晴朗; 2.早晨,老师带领我们步行来到纪念馆。我们举行了成人宣誓仪式; 
  3.校长作了演讲,寄予我们厚望; 4.同学们表演了精彩的节目; 5.我们步行回到学校。






  1.1-5 C B A B A 6-10 A B B A B 11-15 C C B A A 16-20 B B B C A 
  2.21-25 D B C A C 26-30 A C D A D 31-35 C B B C D 
  3. 36-40 A B B C A 41-45 D D C B D 46-50 BACDB 
  51-55 C B D D A4. 56-60 C A D D D 61-65 B B D C B 66-70 B A D B B 
  71-75 B C D A A 
  5. 76. Montreal 77. Musician / piano player 78. recordings and CDs 
  79. Toronto 80. Doctor/ medical researcher 81. was dangerous to 
  82. change her report 83. The Great one 84. Ice hockey player 
  5. scored 
   May 10th, 2005 Fine 
  It was a special day for us, when our school held a growing-up ceremony for 18-year-old birthday. In the morning, with the teacher's guidance we walked to the memorial, where we made an oath that as grown-ups we should serve society from now on. Later, the headmaster made a wonderful speech, expressing his best wishes to us. Besides, we put on nice performances, singing and dancing. Towards noon, we returned to school on foot excitedly. We learned a lot from the activity and realized that it's time w should take some responsibility. I will treasure the day all my life.
